You spend a lot of time working on interesting things. You do a lot of research, write a lot of code, finish one thing and immediately move on to the next one. This keeps repeating. At least, until you want to come back and recollect one of your previous works. And when you do, you will have no clue about all the things you did, why you did it - things like that. You only end up remembering the mere idea behind your work and not a lot of details. If you really want to dig further, you will be spending a lot of time reading dozens of articles and papers again until the memory strikes back. Instead if you write about what you work on and save it somewhere, it will be really useful some day in the future. You could come back and just read your posts and you are up to speed on your previous work. This is one of the reasons I started blogging. Another reason is that writing things down reinforces your understanding. It also enables active engagement in your learning process, helps organize your thoughts and strengthens your memory as well. Furthermore, you write after you have worked on something, so it encourages reflection. Clearly, there are a lot of benefits. Okay, write things down, but why do you want me to read it, you ask? Well, there is a reason for that. Being in my undergraduate I am always on the lookout for opportunities. This blog is a way to show my work and the way I think things. And if the reader happens to be someone who can help me in some way or another student who is also interested in the same things and would like to collaborate on something, it really helps. So, that is why I chose to write things down on a blog rather than my notes.
Now, I am no expert in the things that I write about. It is merely a reflection of my learning process, so there could be a lot of errors, conceptual misunderstandings and what not. The readers must be aware of that. I am just an ambitious undergraduate kid trying to learn and work on interesting things and explore interesting opportunities.
Ah, with this ends my first blog post. I hope that this blog really helps me learn and explore and also find new opportunities. And if it, in any way, helps the reader - well, it is a win-win situation.
See ya!